
Book TitleBarcodeSubjectAuthorPublisherCourseAlmirah Name
Industrial Psychology PSYC000001 Psychology Dr. R.K Ojha Agrawal publications PG PSYC/1/1
Advanced social psychology PSYC000002 Psychology Dr. Mohammed suleman Motilal Banarshi Das PG PSYC/1/1
Advanced social psychology PSYC000003 Psychology Dr. Mohammed suleman Motilal Banarshi Das PG PSYC/1/1
Advanced social psychology PSYC000004 Psychology Dr. Mohammed suleman Motilal Banarshi Das PG PSYC/1/1
Advanced social psychology PSYC000005 Psychology Dr. Mohammed suleman Motilal Banarshi Das PG PSYC/1/1
Advanced social psychology PSYC000006 Psychology Dr. Mohammed suleman Motilal Banarshi Das PG PSYC/1/1
The Phychology of Competition PSYC000007 Psychology Arun kumar singh Aashish kumar singh Motilal Banarshi Das PG PSYC/1/1
The Phychology of Competition PSYC000008 Psychology Arun kumar singh Aashish kumar singh Motilal Banarshi Das PG PSYC/1/1
The Phychology of Competition PSYC000009 Psychology Arun kumar singh Aashish kumar singh Motilal Banarshi Das PG PSYC/1/1
The Phychology of Competition PSYC000010 Psychology Arun kumar singh Aashish kumar singh Motilal Banarshi Das PG PSYC/1/1
The Phychology of Competition PSYC000011 Psychology Arun kumar singh Aashish kumar singh Motilal Banarshi Das PG PSYC/1/1
Advance educational phychology PSYC000012 Psychology Ram nath shrma And rachna shrma Atlantic publishers And distric butrs UG PSYC/1/1
Advance General psychology PSYC000013 Psychology Arun kumar singh Motilal Banarshi Das PG PSYC/1/1
Experiments AND testing In psychology PSYC000014 Psychology Mohameed suleman And rizwana thrnu Motilal Banarshi Das PG PSYC/1/1
psychology of personality PSYC000015 Psychology Madhu aashthana And kiran wala varma Motilal Banarshi Das PG PSYC/1/1
psychology of personality PSYC000016 Psychology Madhu aashthana And kiran wala varma Motilal Banarshi Das PG PSYC/1/1
psychology of personality PSYC000017 Psychology Madhu aashthana And kiran wala varma Motilal Banarshi Das PG PSYC/1/1
psychology of personality PSYC000018 Psychology Madhu aashthana And kiran wala varma Motilal Banarshi Das PG PSYC/1/1
psychology of personality PSYC000019 Psychology Madhu aashthana And kiran wala varma Motilal Banarshi Das PG PSYC/1/1
psychology of personality PSYC000020 Psychology Madhu aashthana And kiran wala varma Motilal Banarshi Das PG PSYC/1/1
psychology of personality PSYC000021 Psychology Madhu aashthana And kiran wala varma Motilal Banarshi Das PG PSYC/1/1
psychology of personality PSYC000022 Psychology Madhu aashthana And kiran wala varma Motilal Banarshi Das PG PSYC/1/1
psychology of personality PSYC000023 Psychology Madhu aashthana And kiran wala varma Motilal Banarshi Das PG PSYC/1/1
Abnormal psychology PSYC000024 Psychology Mohameed suleman And tubab Motilal Banarshi Das PG PSYC/1/1
Fundamental Statistics for the Behavioural Sciences PSYC000025 Psychology S.M. Mohsin Motilal Banarshi Das UG PSYC/1/1
Fundamental Statistics for the Behavioural Sciences PSYC000026 Psychology S.M. Mohsin Motilal Banarshi Das UG PSYC/1/1
Fundamental Statistics for the Behavioural Sciences PSYC000027 Psychology S.M. Mohsin Motilal Banarshi Das UG PSYC/1/1
Fundamental Statistics for the Behavioural Sciences PSYC000028 Psychology S.M. Mohsin Motilal Banarshi Das UG PSYC/1/1
Child psychology PSYC000029 Psychology Crow and Crow Barnes & Nobles UG PSYC/1/1
Child psychology PSYC000030 Psychology Crow and Crow Barnes & Nobles UG PSYC/1/1
Progrssive psychology PSYC000031 Psychology Dr. Rajrajeshwari prasad shina bharti vhaban UG PSYC/1/1
Research Methods In psychology sociology And educations PSYC000032 Psychology Dr. Arun kumar singh Motilal Banarshi Das UG PSYC/1/1
Educational psychology PSYC000033 Psychology Arden N. frandsen MC graw-Hill Book compny UG PSYC/1/1
Statistics in Psychology sociology &Education PSYC000034 Psychology Arun kumar singh Novelt And compny UG PSYC/1/1
Statistical Methods In psychology education And sociology PSYC000035 Psychology Dr. Ram ji shrivastav Motilal Banarshi Das UG PSYC/1/1
Developmental psychology PSYC000036 Psychology E.G. Parameswaran shalini Bhogle Lite And life publishers UG PSYC/1/1
Exceptional Children : Their psychology And Education PSYC000037 Psychology Dr. kumari Ava rani bisht vinod pustak mandir Aagra UG PSYC/1/1
Educational psychology PSYC000038 Psychology Dr. krishan kumar jamuaar Bihar Hindi granth Academy UG PSYC/1/1
Vyawharik Anusandhan ki Vidiya And primap PSYC000039 Psychology Op. Vatnagar vagyanik thatha thanik sabada wali aayog UG PSYC/1/1
Exceptional Children : Their psychology And Education PSYC000040 Psychology Dr. kumari Ava rani bisht vinod pustak mandir Aagra UG PSYC/1/1
Exceptional Children : Their psychology And Education PSYC000041 Psychology Dr. kumari Ava rani bisht vinod pustak mandir Aagra UG PSYC/1/1
Exceptional Children : Their psychology And Education PSYC000042 Psychology Dr. kumari Ava rani bisht vinod pustak mandir Aagra UG PSYC/1/1
Advanced Educational psychology PSYC000043 Psychology S.S chauhan Vikash Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. UG PSYC/1/1
The psychonalytic Revolution PSYC000044 Psychology Marthe Robert George Allen & Unwin ltd. UG PSYC/1/1
Social Psychology PSYC000045 Psychology Alfred R. Lindesmith , Anslem L. Strauss , Norman K. Denzin The Dryden Press Hindle, Illinois UG PSYC/1/1
Advanced psychological Expermient And Testing PSYC000046 Psychology Dr. Arun kumar singh bharti vhaban PG PSYC/1/1
Advance clincial psychology PSYC000047 Psychology Arun kumar singh Motilal Banarshi Das PG PSYC/1/1
Advanced Educationa psychology PSYC000048 Psychology Dr. Ram Nath Rachna shrma Atlantic publishers And distric butrs PG PSYC/1/1
Theories Of Child Development PSYC000049 Psychology A.L. Baldwin John wily & sons , UG PSYC/1/1
psychopathology and Subfecundity PSYC000050 Psychology Joseph A. Mc Falls, JR Acedmy Press New York UG PSYC/1/1
The Modern Researcher PSYC000051 Psychology Jacques Barzun & Henry F. Graph Harcurt Brace Jovanovich, Inc UG PSYC/1/1
Excperimental Social Psychology PSYC000052 Psychology Chester A. Insko and Jhon Schopler Academy Press New York and London UG PSYC/1/1
Child psychology PSYC000053 Psychology E. Mavis Hetherington & Ross D. parke MC graw-Hill Book compny UG PSYC/1/1
Multivariate Statistical Methods in Behavioral Research PSYC000054 Psychology R. Darrell Bock MC graw-Hill Book compny UG PSYC/1/1
History System of Pschology PSYC000055 Psychology Arun kumar singh Aashish kumar singh Motilal Banarshi Das UG PSYC/1/2
History System of Pschology PSYC000056 Psychology Arun kumar singh Aashish kumar singh Motilal Banarshi Das UG PSYC/1/2
History System of Pschology PSYC000057 Psychology Arun kumar singh Aashish kumar singh Motilal Banarshi Das UG PSYC/1/2
History System of Pschology PSYC000058 Psychology Arun kumar singh Aashish kumar singh Motilal Banarshi Das UG PSYC/1/2
History System of Pschology PSYC000059 Psychology Arun kumar singh Aashish kumar singh Motilal Banarshi Das UG PSYC/1/2
History System of Pschology PSYC000060 Psychology Arun kumar singh Aashish kumar singh Motilal Banarshi Das UG PSYC/1/2
History System of Pschology PSYC000061 Psychology Arun kumar singh Aashish kumar singh Motilal Banarshi Das UG PSYC/1/2
History System of Pschology PSYC000062 Psychology Arun kumar singh Aashish kumar singh Motilal Banarshi Das UG PSYC/1/2
Motivation And Achivement PSYC000063 Psychology John W. Atkinson V.H. Winstion & sons UG PSYC/1/2
psychodynamics the science unconscieous mental forces PSYC000064 Psychology Gerald s. blum Prentic of India private Limited UG PSYC/1/2
psychology Its principles & Meanings PSYC000065 Psychology Lyle E. Bourne, Jr. Brouce R. Ekstrand Holt . Rinehart and winston UG PSYC/1/2
psychodynamics the science unconscieous mental forces PSYC000066 Psychology Gerald s. blum prentice hall of India pvt ltd UG PSYC/1/2
psychology Its principles & Meanings PSYC000067 Psychology Lyle E. Bourne, Jr. Brouce R. Ekstrand Holt . Rinehart and winston UG PSYC/1/2
Principles of guidance PSYC000068 Psychology Arthurj.jones tata mc-grawhill publishing company l.t.d UG PSYC/1/2
psychological And Educational Measurement PSYC000069 Psychology Dr. Ram ji shrivastav Motilal Banarshi Das UG PSYC/1/2
psychological And Educational Measurement PSYC000070 Psychology Dr. Ram ji shrivastav Motilal Banarshi Das UG PSYC/1/2
psychological And Educational Measurement PSYC000071 Psychology Dr. Ram ji shrivastav Motilal Banarshi Das UG PSYC/1/2
Social And psychology Research PSYC000072 Psychology Dr. Dn shrivastav shahitaye prakshan UG PSYC/1/2
psychology Reaserch and Mesurement PSYC000073 Psychology Dr. Dn shrivastav Bn shrivastav Agrawal publications UG PSYC/1/2
psychology Expreriments PSYC000074 Psychology Laxmi singh publishan and navilte and compny UG PSYC/1/2
Cognitive Psychology PSYC000075 Psychology Dr. Abhilasha singh Axis Books pvt. LtD. UG PSYC/1/2
General psychology PSYC000076 Psychology D.N. Srivastava Vinod pustak mandir Agra 2 UG PSYC/1/2
Advance psycholgical Exprement And Testing PSYC000077 Psychology Dr. Arun kumar singh bharti vhaban PG PSYC/1/2
Bal kalyan ki Rup rekha PSYC000078 Psychology Dharm pal chodhry Bihar Hindi granth Academy UG PSYC/1/2
Guidance of The Young Child PSYC000079 Psychology Louise M. Langford New York London sydeny . John wiley & sons, UG PSYC/1/2
Morden Clnical psychology PSYC000080 Psychology Arun kumar singh Students Friends UG PSYC/1/2
Industrial Psychology PSYC000081 Psychology Dr. Rajkumar Ojha Agrawal publications PG PSYC/1/2
Advance social psychology PSYC000082 Psychology Dr. Mohammed suleman Motilal Banarshi Das UG PSYC/1/2
Child Development PSYC000083 Psychology     UG PSYC/1/2
Industrial Psychology PSYC000084 Psychology Dr. Rajkumar Ojha Agrawal publications UG PSYC/1/2
Morden Clincial psychology PSYC000085 Psychology Arun kumar singh Students Friends UG PSYC/1/2
Seven psychology PSYC000086 Psychology Edna HeidBreder, Kalyani publichers UG PSYC/1/2
Experiments AND testing In psychology PSYC000087 Psychology Dr. Arun kumar singh bharti vhaban UG PSYC/1/2
Experiments AND testing In psychology PSYC000088 Psychology Dr. Arun kumar singh bharti vhaban UG PSYC/1/2
psychology PSYC000089 Psychology Abraham P. Sperling, Made simple Books W. H. London UG PSYC/1/2
Educational psychonology PSYC000090 Psychology Dr. S. S. Mathur viond pustak mandir Aagra UG PSYC/1/2
Shikha Mano bigen mul thabe PSYC000091 Psychology Dr. suria prsad chodhry Ghavidea prakshan UG PSYC/1/2
Statistics Psychology and Edcuation PSYC000092 Psychology smt. Priti varma & D. N. shrivsatv Agrawal publications UG PSYC/1/2
Organizational Behaviour PSYC000093 Psychology vipin Aashtnak Agrawal publications UG PSYC/1/2
Tests, Measurements and Research Methods in Behavioural Sciences PSYC000094 Psychology Arun kumar singh Bharati Bhawan UG PSYC/1/2
History oF psychology PSYC000095 Psychology Arun kumar singh Motila Banarsisass UG PSYC/1/2
History oF psychology PSYC000096 Psychology Arun kumar singh Moti Banarsidass UG PSYC/1/2
Elementary Statistics in psychology and Education PSYC000097 Psychology Dr. shamsad Husian Moti Banarsidass UG PSYC/1/2
Experimetnal Design in psychology Research PSYC000098 Psychology Allen L. Edwards Amerind publishing co. pvt. Ltd. UG PSYC/1/2
Yoga As Depth-psychology & para psychology PSYC000099 Psychology Dr. C.T. kenghe Bharata Manisha UG PSYC/1/2
Openings After School Education PSYC000100 Psychology L. Gian chand soni Students Aid publications UG PSYC/1/2